This past February, Dr. Ransom accompanied a surgical mission team to a rural hospital about two hours from Bangkok, Thailand. During a very busy week of patient visits and surgeries the team from Healing the Children performed over 50 procedures on pediatric and adult patients. Surgeries included repair of cleft lip deformities, cleft palate deformities, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) for patients with cleft lips, removal of other congenital lesions of the face and neck, and treatment of burns and scars. The team was led by Dr. Manoj Abraham and Dr. Andrew Jacono, and included plastic surgery and orthopedic surgery specialists, as well as speech pathologists, pediatricians, and ear, nose, and throat surgeons.
This mission was unique in that the team invited some medical students and residents in training at the local teaching hospital to observe and assist in the operating room. This cross-cultural learning opportunity was truly special. The picture below was taken during an opening ceremony honoring the joint Thai-American effort, which also included an audience with the Princess of Thailand at the Royal Palace in Bangkok. Please visit for more information or to make a charitable contribution to future missions!