While skin is naturally influenced by heredity and age, it remains at the mercy of multiple other forces. From sun exposure and harsh environments to health and lifestyle, stress levels, and other personal habits, many individuals experience fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, and discoloration concerns. Even so, others develop precancerous lesions, as skin loses elasticity and appears increasingly thin due to thinner blood vessel walls. With a philosophy centered on preserving the unique characteristics of each individual, Dr. Evan Ransom places a high value on the latest laser procedures and treatments to provide the ultimate in facial rejuvenation.
Laser Treatments
While lasers have become a mainstay of non-surgical treatment of facial wrinkles and loss of skin tone related to sun exposure and ultraviolet damage, clinical enhancements using new-age laser technologies are fast unfolding, with distinct mechanisms that allow for dermal remodeling without disturbing the skin’s surface. Thus, for patients that are not candidates for superficial ablative laser resurfacing or for those that are seeking facial rejuvenation with little to no downtime, non-ablative laser resurfacing such as Cynosure Icon Palomar 1540 and the Erbium: YAG 2940 provide significant advantages over traditional systems, with less risk of adverse reactions. In essence, the laser delivers heat into the skin through thousands of narrow, deep columns. The heat stimulates the production of collagen, which causes the skin to appear tightened and refreshed. In addition to improving the tone and texture of facial skin, non-ablative laser resurfacing diminishes fine lines, wrinkles, acne and surgical scarring, stretch marks, melasma, and pigmentation concerns.
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Similarly, patented advancements in the performance of pulsed-light treatments are producing superior results in regards to diffusing redness, smoothing uneven skin textures, closing large pores and targeting wrinkles by accelerating collagen production. The MaxG Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser is optimized to clear vessels, as well as vascular and pigmented skin lesions. With dual-band filters and a Dynamic Spectrum ShiftingSM, the MaxG IPL takes facial rejuvenation to the next level by using a higher concentration of near-infrared light with longer pulse widths. As a more versatile IPL treatment, the MaxG closes the resistant smaller vessels (telangiectases), as well as the mid- to large-sized vessels.
Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing, also referred to as Fraxel, utilizes a laser to create zones of heat that effectively stimulate the production of collagen. Given that treatment is fractionated, or delivered in alternating zones, healing and downtime are significantly lessened. Yet, providing a refined, state-of-the-art platform for personalized treatment, fractional laser resurfacing with the Lutronic eCO2 system contains interchangeable tips. Thus, a complete ablative skin resurfacing procedure can be provided for deeper, more severe wrinkles and precancerous lesions (actinic keratosis). However, the same device and technology can be utilized to provide superficial treatments to address aging, acne scarring and other skin irregularities.
As the gold standard for the treatment of age-related changes in the face, along with sun-damage, pigmentation concerns, scarring, and more, ablative and non-ablative laser resurfacing treatments can be combined with other laser and/or injectable treatments for optimal results and facial rejuvenation. For instance, for a patient with significant sun damage and precancerous lesions, combining an IPL treatment with fractional laser resurfacing can maximize their outcome.
As director of Ransom/MD, Dr. Evan Ransom is a dual-board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon serving San Francisco, Mill Valley and the Bay Area communities. Given Dr. Ransom’s personal and artistic approach to facial rejuvenation, patients feel confident and at ease with their treatment and the results that they will achieve.
To learn more about laser treatments at Ransom/MD or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.
Please note that all patients are different and individual healing times and results may vary. The statements regarding procedures and recovery made here are general rules.
Dr. Evan Ransom is an Ivy League-educated and Ivy League trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a Double Board Certified Head and Neck Surgeon and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and fellowship-trained in facial plastic, reconstructive, and laser surgery. His practice is in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving patients from San Francisco, Oakland, Marin County, Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Walnut Creek, the East Bay, and all over Northern California.