As the face ages, we see the effects of the constant force of gravity coupled with changes in the skin and adipose (fat) tissues. In some patients, the majority of the signs of aging occur at the jawline, under the chin (submental area), or in the neck region – leaving the face looking younger and more vibrant than the neck. These patients may seek rejuvenation of the neck region alone, rather than undergoing a full facelift and neck lift. Luckily, Dr. Ransom offers a variety of approaches – from minimally invasive, non-surgical treatments to the latest in surgical rejuvenation – that are targeted specifically at the aging neck. These procedures are great for men and women!

Planning for Your Procedure

Significant amounts of drooping neck tissue (“turkey neck”, “turkey gobbler”, or “waddles”), thick neck bands (platysmal banding), and the double chin (submental fat pockets) can all be treated by Dr. Ransom using a neck lift. The procedure has multiple elements, each based on the patient’s unique anatomy (degree of skin laxity, amount of fat, and position of the hyoid bone), overall skin condition, and other specific concerns.

First, gentle liposuction of the neck and under-chin (submental) area is performed. This is accomplished through tiny incisions (the size of a straw) hidden behind the earlobes and in a crease under the chin. Next, if distinct platysmal bands are visible, these are treated in one of two ways, depending on their thickness and contour. In most patients, it is possible to flatten these neck bands by releasing the muscle laterally from its tough attachment to the underlying neck muscles (sternocleidomastoid) and then redraping the platysma behind the ear. In a smaller number of patients, the bands are too heavy or too loose, and must be treated medially (under the chin); in these cases, after the platysma muscle is released, Dr. Ransom performs a corset platysmaplasty (which tightens the muscles up under the chin, like the ties on the back of a corset). Regardless of approach, the goal of these procedures is to reduce the prominence of thick or loose muscles in the neck and to provide a sharper or more acute angle between the chin and neck. The third and final component involves a small incision hidden behind the ear and in the hairline on the back of the head. This provides access for Dr. Ransom to remove redundant or loose skin.

Download our Neck Lift Guide

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Who is a candidate?

Candidates for a neck lift include all patients with loose or sagging skin in the lower face and/or neck region, a poorly defined jawline or prominent jowls, or thick, hanging bands in the neck. The terms neck lift and facelift (or face-lift) can be used by doctors and in the media to imply a wide variety of procedures and approaches. Dr. Ransom tailors his surgical approach to each specific patient, working to achieve the desired goal, and avoiding an “operated” look. For patients with issues predominantly in the neck region, a neck lift is an excellent option. Dr. Ransom will review a variety of options during your consultation, helping you to choose the best possible plan for your unique anatomy and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that all patients are different and individual healing times and results may vary. The statements regarding procedures and recovery made here are general rules.

How do I prepare for a neck lift?

Preparing for a neck lift should include good skin care, avoidance of sun, stopping medications or supplements that may cause bleeding, and getting any post-care supplies that will be needed. Most importantly, however, is making sure that you will have a comfortable environment and clear schedule after the surgery to help with healing.

How do I tighten my jawline?

Tightening the jawline can be accomplished via surgery (face and neck lift) or nonsurgical methods. For younger patients and those with mild issues, liposuction and laser or radiofrequency (RF) treatments can be really helpful in tightening the skin in the lower face.

How long does it take to recover from a neck lift?

Recovery from a neck lift can be thought of in two phases: 1) immediate post-surgery recovery and 2) tissue settling and remodelling. The first part is generally 10-14 days and involves resolution of bruising and swelling. The second part takes a few months, during which the incisions mature, sensations normalize, etc.

How much does a facelift and neck lift cost?

Facelift and neck lift costs vary based on the work that needs to be done, the amount of time that it will take, the setting in which the procedure is performed, and the expertise of the surgeon.

How much does neck contouring cost?

Neck contouring, sometimes called a direct or deep neck lift, can be used to change the shape or angle of the neck soft tissues without facial incisions. The costs depend on the exact work to be done, the time that it will take, and the setting in which the procedure is performed.

How much does Neck Lift Cost?

Facelift and neck lift costs vary based on the work that needs to be done, the amount of time that it will take, the setting in which the procedure is performed, and the expertise of the surgeon.

Is Neck lift surgery dangerous?

Neck lift surgery is not dangerous, but all surgical procedures have risks. The most common risks are bleeding (hematoma) and infection. Less common risks include nerve weakness, skin texture changes, and scar formation.

What is a liquid facelift?

Liquid facelift is a term used to describe injection of multiple types of filler products in different parts of the face to achieve a refreshed appearance. This is not a surgical procedure. Rather, soft tissue volume changes are used to improve the contours of the cheeks and jawline.

What is a lunchtime facelift?

Lunchtime facelift is a term used to describe a short-incision mini-facelift. The term is meant to imply that the procedure is quick and the recovery is minimal. Unfortunately, this type of surgery is not suitable for the majority of patients.

What is a neck lift?

Neck lift is a surgery to remove excess skin and/or fat from the upper neck with the goal of improving the contour of the chin and neck regions.

What is a non surgical neck lift?

Non-surgical neck lift is a term encompassing a variety of laser and radiofrequency (RF) treatments that are used to tighten the skin or reduce fullness in the upper neck and chin region.

What is mini neck lift?

Mini neck lift is a term that implies a short-incision approach to neck lifting. This typically would be a small incision under the chin and short incisions behind the ears.

What is the best treatment for saggy neck?

Treatment of loose neck skin depends on the amount of laxity as well as the patients skin quality and elasticity. For most patients, the best treatment is a neck lift.

Whats involved in a neck lift?

Neck lift surgery involves removal of excess skin and fat from the upper neck area and tightening of the platysma muscles under the chin. The length and placement for the incisions depends on the degree of laxity, as well as the patients skin quality and elasticity.

How long do neck lift results typically last?

The results of a neck lift can last 10 to 15 years, depending on factors like skin elasticity, age, and lifestyle choices.

Can a neck lift be performed with local anesthesia?

In some cases, a neck lift can be done with local anesthesia and sedation, but most procedures use general anesthesia for patient comfort.

What is the ideal age for a neck lift?

Most patients are between 40-75 years old, though some younger individuals with early signs of aging may benefit.

How does weight fluctuation affect neck lift results?

Significant weight changes post-surgery can affect the results by causing skin to stretch or sag again. Facelifts/Necklifts can be a great solution after a patients lose significant weight.

Are there non-surgical alternatives to a neck lift?

Non-surgical options like skin tightening lasers and injectables can provide mild improvement but are not as effective as a surgical neck lift for significant sagging.

Dr. Evan Ransom is an Ivy League-educated and Ivy League trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a Double Board Certified Head and Neck Surgeon and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and fellowship-trained in facial plastic, reconstructive, and laser surgery. His practice is in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving patients from San Francisco, Oakland, Marin County, Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Walnut Creek, the East Bay, and all over Northern California.