A heavy eyebrow or forehead can be a sign of age but is not always directly related to the aging process. Some men are born with thicker or more pronounced soft tissues of the forehead, which may dominate the facial appearance. Regardless of the cause, a heavy brow can give the appearance of anger, frustration, or sadness – even when you’re feeling great. In addition, the full brow can push down on the upper eyelids, making you look tired or drowsy. (This heaviness on the outside of the eyelid area is called lateral hooding.) Finally, the shadow cast by the brow can detract from the brightness or openness of your eyes, again giving an impression that is different than how you feel.
In many cases, Dr. Ransom can address these specific concerns with a minimally-invasive endoscopic browlift (forehead lift). However, certain circumstances demand a different approach – and Dr. Ransom is a specialist in all types of brow and forehead surgery. For patients with an asymmetric brow (one side obviously higher than the other), or in cases of facial paralysis (where one side of the forehead doesn’t move), an open treatment of the forehead helps to achieve the best results. For men with significant hair loss, a variety of approaches can be used to elevate the brows without elevating the hairline or leaving obvious, unsightly scars in the scalp – for example, hiding the incisions in the deepest of the existing forehead creases. In addition, Dr. Ransom makes sure that your result is natural-appearing; he doesn’t over-elevate the eyebrows, rather, he softens and defines the brow region.
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Brow or forehead lifts, regardless of approach, can be combined with other facial rejuvenation or reconstructive procedures, and are particularly effective when the eyelids are addressed at the same time (with an upper blepharoplasty and/or lower blepharoplasty). Please visit the photo gallery for some examples.
Who is a candidate?
Anyone with a heavy brow, deep glabellar rhytids (the “11’s” between the eyebrows), and particularly patients with lateral hooding of the upper eyelids (see above) is a candidate. Special consideration is needed for men who are bald or have significantly receding hairlines. Upper eyelid ptosis (upper lids do not open all the way) should not be confused with lateral hooding; this issue has to do with the muscles that retract the upper eyelid, rather than excess eyelid skin or a heavy brow region. Comprehensive rejuvenation of the entire forehead, brow, and eyelid complex can be discussed with Dr. Ransom at your consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please note that all patients are different and individual healing times and results may vary. The statements regarding procedures and recovery made here are general rules.
For the first night after the procedure, patients where a soft cotton dressing. Bruising and swelling peak on day two, and then decrease steadily. This typically takes about a week, but may be faster for some patients. Depending on the approach used, incisions may require minimal daily care. Sutures are then removed a week after the procedure. Keeping the head elevated is helpful for the first few days.
Having a browlift will not change the shape of the eyes. In the first few days after surgery, when the area is still swollen, the eyes will look puffy and it may be difficult to see their exact shape. However, after healing, the desired effect of a browlift is seen – a more open appearance of the eyes from elevation of the heavy brow tissue and a smoother forehead contour.
Dr. Evan Ransom is an Ivy League-educated and Ivy League trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a Double Board Certified Head and Neck Surgeon and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and fellowship-trained in facial plastic, reconstructive, and laser surgery. His practice is in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving patients from San Francisco, Oakland, Marin County, Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Walnut Creek, the East Bay, and all over Northern California.